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How to "Adopt" an Issue

If you are a SBA Chartered Club, Officially Recognized Law School Organization,

SUNY Buffalo Law School Journal or member of the SUNY Buffalo Law School faculty

and staff we invite you to "ADOPT AN ISSUE" of The Opinion.

What does "Adoption" entail?


Adopting an issue of The Opinion simply means that you would like to provide us with a theme and/or content pertaining to an issue relating to your organization's mission. That month The Opinion will focus primarily on the topic you have provided us with in addition to writing an article showcasing your organization or club's mission and upcoming events.


For Example: If Domestic Violence Task Force (DVTF) wished to adopt the month

of October in recognition of "Domestic Violence Awareness Month".


** DVTF would be the club featured on "The Witness Stand" in September

** DVTF's Upcoming Events would be highlighted in an article written by an Opinion staff member

** DVTF's Upcoming Events would be highlighted on The Opinion's Calendar "The Docket"

** DVTF members would be allowed to contribute articles of their own to The Opinion for publication

** ALL Opinion articles will be centered around the topic of "Domestic Violence Awareness"

** The Opinion will seek out Contributing Guest Writers that are experts in the field of Domestic Violence

          ~ Ex: a Law School Professor, a Local Non-Profit Organization Director, etc.

** DVTF would be listed as the "adopting organization" on the front page of The Opinion

** The Opinion will create a special header to be published on the front page signifying that Issues' topic


So how do I "Adopt" an Issue?


All you have to do is email us!

Here's what we need from you: 


1. Your Name & Position (in your organization)

2. E-Mail Address & Phone Number

4. The Club/Organization/Journal/etc. you represent

5. The topic/theme for your "Adopted Issue"

6. The Month you would like to adopt


 Please email this information to The Opinion 



in advance of the month you would

like to adopt from The Opinion.

Here's what months

are still available!






Editorial Policy of The Opinion

The Opinion publishes letters and columns of interest to SUNY Buffalo Law School and the Western New York legal community at large. Views expressed in such submissions are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of The Opinion, the Editorial Board, or SUNY Buffalo Law School. Letters from organizations and/or individuals must bear your name, relation to the university or class year, and email address. All letters and columns must be submitted electronically from the author's e-mail account to All letters and columns submitted to The Opinion will be retained as property of/copyrighted by The Opinion.


Submissions must be received by 5:00 p.m. on the Twenty-Second of every month (October 22, April 22, etc.) and must be in accordance with the submission guidelines. Letters over 500 words and columns over 700 words will be reviewed by the Editorial Board but may be sent back to the author(s) for significant editing. The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit all submissions for length, grammar, and clarity. Although every effort is made to publish all materials meeting our guidelines, we regret that not all submissions received can be published. The Editorial Board of The Opinion will notify you in advance should your submission need to be held for publication in a different issue. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our submission policies please contact the Editorial Board of The Opinion at

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